Promotion Name

Porter’s Paints and Pottery Barn Kids Instagram Competition


The Promoter is Porter’s Paints a division of DuluxGroup (Australia) Pty Ltd (ABN 67 000 049 427) of Cnr Bourke Road and Doody Street, Alexandria. NSW, 2015

Promotion Type

Game of chance.

Promotion Period

The Promotion will commence at 10.30am, Tuesday 28th September 2021 and close on 10pm on Monday 4th October 2021.

Entry Restrictions

This promotion is only open to residents of Australia –Employees (and their Immediate Families) of the Promoter, or its parent companies, subsidiaries or affiliated companies, or any agencies associated with this promotion are ineligible to enter. “Employees” means any directors, management, employees, consultants, officers and contractors or other such people who perform work under the control of another in exchange for payment. “Immediate Family(ies)” means any of the following: spouse, ex-spouse, de-facto spouse, child or step-child, parent, step-parent, grandparent, step-grandparent, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister or first cousin and the persons referred to above includes natural and non-natural relations (in the opinion of the Promoter).

The Promoter is responsible for determining whether a person is an eligible entrant in its absolute discretion. The Promoter may require entrants to provide reasonable proof that they meet the requirements for entry in the Promotion.

How to enter

Online/Social Media: During the Promotion Period, entrants are required to log on to @porterspaints Instagram and follow the prompts to the competition details. Entrants must:

  1. Like post
  2. Tag a friend you know would also like to create a beautiful room
  3. Both follow @porterspaints @potterybarnkidsaus
Prize draw

A digital random prize draw will be conducted in Sydney, NSW Australia, by the Porter’s Paints Brand Manager at 11.00am on Tuesday 5th October.

The first valid entry randomly drawn from all valid entries received up to the time of the relevant draw (excluding previous winning entries) will win a prize for them and the person they tagged, as detailed below.

Prize details

10L of Porter’s Paints Eggshell Finish paint and a $1,000 digital Pottery Barn Kids store voucher each for the winning entrant and their tagged friend.


Winners will be notified by direct message on Instagram and the winner’s names will be published on @porterspaints Instagram within 2 business days of the applicable draw.

Prize Claim Date and Time

Prizes must be claimed within 6 months of the end of the Promotion Period.

To claim your 10L of Porter’s Paints contact enquiries@porters.com.au and we will arrange collection or have your paint couriered to you. The Pottery Barn Kids voucher will be emailed directly from Williams Sonoma group. Email to be requested via Instagram direct message when winning entry is notified.

Unclaimed Prize Draw

If a prize remains unclaimed or is forfeited for any reason, the Promoter may conduct a further draw or draws as the Promoter deems necessary to distribute any unclaimed prize(s), subject to any written directions under relevant Lottery and Gaming Regulations.

Entry Limits

Multiple entries are permitted.

Additional Prize Terms

If any prize (or part of any prize) is unavailable, the Promoter, in its discretion, reserves the right to substitute the prize (or that part of the prize) with a replacement prize to an equal value.

Tickets/ Vouchers
Gift Cards are subject to the terms and conditions imposed by Williams Sonoma, including period of validity. Gift cards may be used for making purchases at Pottery Barn, Pottery Barn Kids, West Elm and Williams Sonoma stores or online at www.potterybarn.com.au, www.potterybarnkids.com.au, www.westelm.com.au or www.williams-sonoma.com.au in Australia only. Gift cards cannot be used for purchases by email, phone or fax. Gift cards cannot be redeemed for cash, reloaded, returned for a refund or have its balances consolidated onto a new card. The gift cards have no expiry date. The promoter is not responsible for any lost or stolen gift cards. Refer to williams-sonoma.com.au/terms-conditions for full gift card terms and conditions.

Prizes are valued in Australian dollars. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any variation in the Prize value. Prize winners are advised that tax implications may arise from their Prize winnings and they should seek independent financial advice prior to acceptance of their Prize.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Information on how to enter the Porter’s Paints & Pottery Barn Kids Instagram competition and prizes form part of these Terms and Conditions. Participation in this competition is deemed acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
  2. All entrants acknowledge that the Promoter can rely on these Terms and Conditions even if the Promoter only learns of a person’s ineligibility after the Promoter has awarded a prize to the ineligible person. Return of the prize or payment of its equivalent value to the Promoter may be required by the Promoter if this occurs.
  3. Each entrant is responsible for ensuring his or her familiarity with these Terms and Conditions at the time of participation. The Promoter’s decision not to enforce a specific restriction (whether communicated to an entrant or not) does not constitute a waiver of that restriction or of these Terms and Conditions generally.
  4. Incomplete and indecipherable entries and any entry which has incorrectly entered personal information or contact details shall be deemed an invalid entry. No responsibility is accepted by the Promoter for late, lost, misdirected, ineligible or illegible/inaudible entries (including lost, stolen, forged, defaced or damaged proof of entry or things required by the Verification Requirements).
  5. The Promoter’s decision in relation to any aspect of these Term and Conditions and the Promotion is final and binding on every person who enters. No correspondence will be entered into.
  6. The Promoter may, in its sole discretion, declare any or all entries made by an entrant invalid, and/or prohibit further participation by an entrant in this Promotion or a prize event/activity if the entrant:
    1. disrupts, annoys, abuses, threatens, harasses or attempts to do any of these things to the Promoter, another entrant or potential entrant of, or anyone else associated with, this Promotion;
    2. submits an entry that is not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions or who tampers with the entry process; or
    3. engages in conduct in relation to this Promotion which is misleading, deceptive, fraudulent or damaging to the Promoter's goodwill or reputation.
  7. If this Promotion is interfered with in any way or is not capable of being conducted as reasonably anticipated due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter, the Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to the fullest extent permitted by law to modify, suspend, terminate or cancel the Porter’s Paints & Pottery Barn Kids Instagram competition, as appropriate.
  8. An entrant's entry must not include:
    1. any image or voice of any other person without that person's express consent. Entrants warrant that if any such content is included, they have obtained the express consent of the relevant person;
    2. any content that contravenes any law, infringes the rights of any person or is obscene, offensive, potentially defamatory, discriminatory, indecent or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate (which
      includes, without limitation, any content involving nudity, malice, excessive violence or swearing); and
    3. any literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work, any audio-visual or sound recording, or any other item in which copyright subsists, unless the entrant is entitled to do so. If an entrant has any doubts about whether they have the right to include any content (for example, recorded music) they must not include it. By including any such content in their entry, the entrant warrants that they have the permission of the relevant copyright owner to do so and that this permission allows the Promoter to use the entry in accordance with these Terms & Conditions.
  9. The Promoter may, in its absolute discretion, edit, modify, delete, remove or take-down any part of an entrant's entry.
  10. Entries must be received by the Promoter and will be deemed to have been received at the time of receipt by the Promoter. Online and other electronic entries are deemed to have been received at the time of receipt into the promotion database and not at the time of transmission by the entrant.
  11. Each entrant acknowledges that there may be inherent risks involved in entering this Promotion or taking or participating in the prize(s). Any entrant, prize winner and/or participants in a Promotion event may be required to sign an acknowledgement of risk and waiver of liability for participation in the Promotion or a Prize event and to expressly acknowledge that entry into this Promotion or participation in a Promotion event or Prize may be inherently dangerous, and that if they choose to participate they will do so at their own risk. A reasonable level of health and fitness may be required. The Promoter reserves the right to preclude participation of anyone refusing to sign the acknowledgement/waiver or any person who is suffering from asthma, epilepsy, significant back or neck problems, physical or mental disabilities, or is pregnant or in the Promoter's sole discretion is not able or suitable to participate in any of the experiences for reasons of the participant's own or anyone else's safety.
  12. Any costs associated with accessing the Promotion website are the entrant’s responsibility and are dependent on the internet service provider used. Entrants must submit their entries and/or claims manually using an internet browser.
  13. The Promoter is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, communication network, computer equipment, software, technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any web site, or any combination thereof, including any error, omission, alteration, tampering, deletion, theft, destruction, transmission interruption, communications failure or otherwise, injury or damage to entries or to participants' or any other person's computer related to or resulting from participation in or down-loading any materials in this Promotion. If the Promotion is not capable of being conducted due to circumstances beyond the Promoter's control, including due to any technical or communications problems, the Promoter reserves the right to amend, suspend or cancel the competition subject to approval from any relevant authority.
  14. Errors and omissions may be accepted at the Promoter's discretion. Failure by the Promoter to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not constitute a waiver of those rights. If there is a dispute as to the identity of an entrant, the Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to determine the identity of the entrant.
  15. As a condition of claiming a prize, the Participant may be required to (at the Promoter’s discretion) sign any legal documentation as and in the form required by the Promoter and/or prize suppliers in their absolute discretion, including but not limited to a legal release and indemnity form.
  16. The Promoter may communicate or advertise this competition using Facebook and/or Instagram or another social media platform. However, the competition is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook, Instagram or any other social media platform. Entrants are providing their information to the Promoter and not to Facebook or Instagram. Each entrant completely releases Facebook and Instagram from any and all liability in connection with this Promotion.
  17. The prize(s) and/or parts of the prize(s) is/are not transferable or exchangeable and cannot be taken as cash (unless the prize is cash). If a prize, or an element of a prize, is unavailable for any reason, the Promoter reserves the right to substitute another prize of equal or greater value for that prize, or element of it, subject to the approval of any relevant authority. The Promoter and its representatives will not be liable for any damage to or delay in transit of prizes.
  18. The use of any automated entry software or any other mechanical or electronic means that allows an entrant to automatically enter the Promotion repeatedly is prohibited and will render entries submitted using such means as invalid.
  19. Except for any liability that cannot be excluded by law, the Promoter (including its officers, employees and agents) excludes all liability (including negligence), for any personal injury; or any loss or damage (including loss of opportunity); whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, arising in any way out of the Promotion, including, but not limited to, where arising out of the following: (a) any technical difficulties or
    equipment malfunction (whether or not under the Promoter’s control); (b) any theft, unauthorised access or third party interference; (c) any entry or prize claim that is late, lost, altered, damaged or misdirected (whether or not after their receipt by the Promoter) due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter; (d) any variation in prize value to that stated in these Terms and Conditions; (e) any tax liability incurred by a winner or entrant; or (f) use of the prize.
  20. The Promoter and its associated agencies and companies will not be liable for any loss (including, without limitation, indirect, special or consequential loss or loss of profits), expense, damage, personal injury, illness or death which is suffered or sustained (whether or not arising from any person’s negligence) in connection with this competition or accepting or using any prize, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law (in which case that liability is limited to the minimum allowable by law). Nothing in these conditions restricts, excludes or modifies or purports to restrict, exclude or modify any statutory consumer rights under any applicable law including the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)
  21. Entrants irrevocably consent and assign to the Promoter all intellectual property including copyright in the images submitted by them during this competition. Entrants also irrevocably consent to the Promoter using their name, likeness, image and/or voice in the event they are a winner (including photograph, film and/or recording of the same) in any media for an unlimited period without remuneration for the purpose of promoting this competition (including any outcome), and promoting any products manufactured, distributed and/or supplied by the Promoter.
  22. The Promoter collects personal information in order to conduct the Promotion and may, for this purpose, disclose such information to third parties required for the provision of the Prize. Entry is conditional on providing this information. The Promoter may disclose the information for those purposes to its related bodies corporate and contractors. If entrants do not provide the information requested they will not be able to enter the Promotion.
  23. CAUTION: Any attempt to deliberately undermine the legitimate operation of this Promotion may be a violation of criminal and civil laws and should such an attempt be made, whether successful or not, the Promoter reserves the right to refer the matter to law enforcement authorities and/or to seek damages or such other civil remedies as the Promoter may determine from time to time to the fullest extent permitted by law.
  24. The Promoter is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). A copy of the Promoter's privacy policy can be viewed at porterspaints.com/privacy/. To request access to, or to update, personal information the Promoter holds about them, entrants can contact the office of the Promoter.




Promotion Name

Porter’s Paints and Pottery Barn Instagram Competition


The Promoter is Porter’s Paints a division of DuluxGroup (Australia) Pty Ltd (ABN 67 000 049 427) of Cnr Bourke Road and Doody Street, Alexandria. NSW, 2015

Promotion Type

Game of chance.

Promotion Period

The Promotion will commence at 10am, Tuesday 21st September 2021 and close on 10pm on Monday 27th September 2021.

Entry Restrictions

This promotion is only open to residents of Australia –Employees (and their Immediate Families) of the Promoter, or its parent companies, subsidiaries or affiliated companies, or any agencies associated with this promotion are ineligible to enter. “Employees” means any directors, management, employees, consultants, officers and contractors or other such people who perform work under the control of another in exchange for payment. “Immediate Family(ies)” means any of the following: spouse, ex-spouse, de-facto spouse, child or step-child, parent, step-parent, grandparent, step-grandparent, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister or first cousin and the persons referred to above includes natural and non-natural relations (in the opinion of the Promoter).

The Promoter is responsible for determining whether a person is an eligible entrant in its absolute discretion. The Promoter may require entrants to provide reasonable proof that they meet the requirements for entry in the Promotion.

How to enter

Online/Social Media: During the Promotion Period, entrants are required to log on to @porterspaints Instagram and follow the prompts to the competition details. Entrants must:

  1. Like post
  2. Tag a friend you know would also like to create a beautiful room
  3. Both follow @porterspaints @potterybarnaus
Prize draw

A digital random prize draw will be conducted in Sydney, NSW Australia, by the Porter’s Paints Brand Manager at 11.00am on Tuesday 28th September.

The first valid entry randomly drawn from all valid entries received up to the time of the relevant draw (excluding previous winning entries) will win a prize for them and the person they tagged, as detailed below.

Prize details

10L of Porter’s Paints Eggshell Finish paint and a $1,000 digital Pottery Barn store voucher each for the winning entrant and their tagged friend.


Winners will be notified by direct message on Instagram and the winner’s names will be published on @porterspaints Instagram within 2 business days of the applicable draw.

Prize Claim Date and Time

Prizes must be claimed within 6 months of the end of the Promotion Period.

To claim your 10L of Porter’s Paints contact enquiries@porters.com.au and we will arrange collection or have your paint couriered to you. The Pottery Barn voucher will be emailed directly from Williams Sonoma group. Email to be requested via Instagram direct message when winning entry is notified.

Unclaimed Prize Draw

If a prize remains unclaimed or is forfeited for any reason, the Promoter may conduct a further draw or draws as the Promoter deems necessary to distribute any unclaimed prize(s), subject to any written directions under relevant Lottery and Gaming Regulations.

Entry Limits

Multiple entries are permitted.

Additional Prize Terms

If any prize (or part of any prize) is unavailable, the Promoter, in its discretion, reserves the right to substitute the prize (or that part of the prize) with a replacement prize to an equal value.

Tickets/ Vouchers
Gift Cards are subject to the terms and conditions imposed by Williams Sonoma, including period of validity. Gift cards may be used for making purchases at Pottery Barn, Pottery Barn Kids, West Elm and Williams Sonoma stores or online at www.potterybarn.com.au, www.potterybarnkids.com.au, www.westelm.com.au or www.williams-sonoma.com.au in Australia only. Gift cards cannot be used for purchases by email, phone or fax. Gift cards cannot be redeemed for cash, reloaded, returned for a refund or have its balances consolidated onto a new card. The gift cards have no expiry date. The promoter is not responsible for any lost or stolen gift cards. Refer to williams-sonoma.com.au/terms-conditions for full gift card terms and conditions.

Prizes are valued in Australian dollars. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any variation in the Prize value. Prize winners are advised that tax implications may arise from their Prize winnings and they should seek independent financial advice prior to acceptance of their Prize.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Information on how to enter the Porter’s Paints & Pottery Barn Instagram competition and prizes form part of these Terms and Conditions. Participation in this competition is deemed acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
  2. All entrants acknowledge that the Promoter can rely on these Terms and Conditions even if the Promoter only learns of a person’s ineligibility after the Promoter has awarded a prize to the ineligible person. Return of the prize or payment of its equivalent value to the Promoter may be required by the Promoter if this occurs.
  3. Each entrant is responsible for ensuring his or her familiarity with these Terms and Conditions at the time of participation. The Promoter’s decision not to enforce a specific restriction (whether communicated to an entrant or not) does not constitute a waiver of that restriction or of these Terms and Conditions generally.
  4. Incomplete and indecipherable entries and any entry which has incorrectly entered personal information or contact details shall be deemed an invalid entry. No responsibility is accepted by the Promoter for late, lost, misdirected, ineligible or illegible/inaudible entries (including lost, stolen, forged, defaced or damaged proof of entry or things required by the Verification Requirements).
  5. The Promoter’s decision in relation to any aspect of these Term and Conditions and the Promotion is final and binding on every person who enters. No correspondence will be entered into.
  6. The Promoter may, in its sole discretion, declare any or all entries made by an entrant invalid, and/or prohibit further participation by an entrant in this Promotion or a prize event/activity if the entrant:
    1. disrupts, annoys, abuses, threatens, harasses or attempts to do any of these things to the Promoter, another entrant or potential entrant of, or anyone else associated with, this Promotion;
    2. submits an entry that is not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions or who tampers with the entry process; or
    3. engages in conduct in relation to this Promotion which is misleading, deceptive, fraudulent or damaging to the Promoter's goodwill or reputation.
  7. If this Promotion is interfered with in any way or is not capable of being conducted as reasonably anticipated due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter, the Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to the fullest extent permitted by law to modify, suspend, terminate or cancel the Porter’s Paints & Pottery Barn Instagram competition, as appropriate.
  8. An entrant's entry must not include:
    1. any image or voice of any other person without that person's express consent. Entrants warrant that if any such content is included, they have obtained the express consent of the relevant person;
    2. any content that contravenes any law, infringes the rights of any person or is obscene, offensive, potentially defamatory, discriminatory, indecent or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate (which
      includes, without limitation, any content involving nudity, malice, excessive violence or swearing); and
    3. any literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work, any audio-visual or sound recording, or any other item in which copyright subsists, unless the entrant is entitled to do so. If an entrant has any doubts about whether they have the right to include any content (for example, recorded music) they must not include it. By including any such content in their entry, the entrant warrants that they have the permission of the relevant copyright owner to do so and that this permission allows the Promoter to use the entry in accordance with these Terms & Conditions.
  9. The Promoter may, in its absolute discretion, edit, modify, delete, remove or take-down any part of an entrant's entry.
  10. Entries must be received by the Promoter and will be deemed to have been received at the time of receipt by the Promoter. Online and other electronic entries are deemed to have been received at the time of receipt into the promotion database and not at the time of transmission by the entrant.
  11. Each entrant acknowledges that there may be inherent risks involved in entering this Promotion or taking or participating in the prize(s). Any entrant, prize winner and/or participants in a Promotion event may be required to sign an acknowledgement of risk and waiver of liability for participation in the Promotion or a Prize event and to expressly acknowledge that entry into this Promotion or participation in a Promotion event or Prize may be inherently dangerous, and that if they choose to participate they will do so at their own risk. A reasonable level of health and fitness may be required. The Promoter reserves the right to preclude participation of anyone refusing to sign the acknowledgement/waiver or any person who is suffering from asthma, epilepsy, significant back or neck problems, physical or mental disabilities, or is pregnant or in the Promoter's sole discretion is not able or suitable to participate in any of the experiences for reasons of the participant's own or anyone else's safety.
  12. Any costs associated with accessing the Promotion website are the entrant’s responsibility and are dependent on the internet service provider used. Entrants must submit their entries and/or claims manually using an internet browser.
  13. The Promoter is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, communication network, computer equipment, software, technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any web site, or any combination thereof, including any error, omission, alteration, tampering, deletion, theft, destruction, transmission interruption, communications failure or otherwise, injury or damage to entries or to participants' or any other person's computer related to or resulting from participation in or down-loading any materials in this Promotion. If the Promotion is not capable of being conducted due to circumstances beyond the Promoter's control, including due to any technical or communications problems, the Promoter reserves the right to amend, suspend or cancel the competition subject to approval from any relevant authority.
  14. Errors and omissions may be accepted at the Promoter's discretion. Failure by the Promoter to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not constitute a waiver of those rights. If there is a dispute as to the identity of an entrant, the Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to determine the identity of the entrant.
  15. As a condition of claiming a prize, the Participant may be required to (at the Promoter’s discretion) sign any legal documentation as and in the form required by the Promoter and/or prize suppliers in their absolute discretion, including but not limited to a legal release and indemnity form.
  16. The Promoter may communicate or advertise this competition using Facebook and/or Instagram or another social media platform. However, the competition is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook, Instagram or any other social media platform. Entrants are providing their information to the Promoter and not to Facebook or Instagram. Each entrant completely releases Facebook and Instagram from any and all liability in connection with this Promotion.
  17. The prize(s) and/or parts of the prize(s) is/are not transferable or exchangeable and cannot be taken as cash (unless the prize is cash). If a prize, or an element of a prize, is unavailable for any reason, the Promoter reserves the right to substitute another prize of equal or greater value for that prize, or element of it, subject to the approval of any relevant authority. The Promoter and its representatives will not be liable for any damage to or delay in transit of prizes.
  18. The use of any automated entry software or any other mechanical or electronic means that allows an entrant to automatically enter the Promotion repeatedly is prohibited and will render entries submitted using such means as invalid.
  19. Except for any liability that cannot be excluded by law, the Promoter (including its officers, employees and agents) excludes all liability (including negligence), for any personal injury; or any loss or damage (including loss of opportunity); whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, arising in any way out of the Promotion, including, but not limited to, where arising out of the following: (a) any technical difficulties or
    equipment malfunction (whether or not under the Promoter’s control); (b) any theft, unauthorised access or third party interference; (c) any entry or prize claim that is late, lost, altered, damaged or misdirected (whether or not after their receipt by the Promoter) due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter; (d) any variation in prize value to that stated in these Terms and Conditions; (e) any tax liability incurred by a winner or entrant; or (f) use of the prize.
  20. The Promoter and its associated agencies and companies will not be liable for any loss (including, without limitation, indirect, special or consequential loss or loss of profits), expense, damage, personal injury, illness or death which is suffered or sustained (whether or not arising from any person’s negligence) in connection with this competition or accepting or using any prize, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law (in which case that liability is limited to the minimum allowable by law). Nothing in these conditions restricts, excludes or modifies or purports to restrict, exclude or modify any statutory consumer rights under any applicable law including the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)
  21. Entrants irrevocably consent and assign to the Promoter all intellectual property including copyright in the images submitted by them during this competition. Entrants also irrevocably consent to the Promoter using their name, likeness, image and/or voice in the event they are a winner (including photograph, film and/or recording of the same) in any media for an unlimited period without remuneration for the purpose of promoting this competition (including any outcome), and promoting any products manufactured, distributed and/or supplied by the Promoter.
  22. The Promoter collects personal information in order to conduct the Promotion and may, for this purpose, disclose such information to third parties required for the provision of the Prize. Entry is conditional on providing this information. The Promoter may disclose the information for those purposes to its related bodies corporate and contractors. If entrants do not provide the information requested they will not be able to enter the Promotion.
  23. CAUTION: Any attempt to deliberately undermine the legitimate operation of this Promotion may be a violation of criminal and civil laws and should such an attempt be made, whether successful or not, the Promoter reserves the right to refer the matter to law enforcement authorities and/or to seek damages or such other civil remedies as the Promoter may determine from time to time to the fullest extent permitted by law.
  24. The Promoter is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). A copy of the Promoter's privacy policy can be viewed at porterspaints.com/privacy/. To request access to, or to update, personal information the Promoter holds about them, entrants can contact the office of the Promoter.




Promotion Name

Porter’s Paints and Williams Sonoma Instagram Competition


The Promoter is Porter’s Paints a division of DuluxGroup (Australia) Pty Ltd (ABN 67 000 049 427) of Cnr Bourke Road and Doody Street, Alexandria. NSW, 2015

Promotion Type

Game of chance.

Promotion Period

The Promotion will commence at 10am, Tuesday 14th September 2021 and close on 10pm on Monday 20th September 2021.

Entry Restrictions

This promotion is only open to residents of Australia –Employees (and their Immediate Families) of the Promoter, or its parent companies, subsidiaries or affiliated companies, or any agencies associated with this promotion are ineligible to enter. “Employees” means any directors, management, employees, consultants, officers and contractors or other such people who perform work under the control of another in exchange for payment. “Immediate Family(ies)” means any of the following: spouse, ex-spouse, de-facto spouse, child or step-child, parent, step-parent, grandparent, step-grandparent, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister or first cousin and the persons referred to above includes natural and non-natural relations (in the opinion of the Promoter).

The Promoter is responsible for determining whether a person is an eligible entrant in its absolute discretion. The Promoter may require entrants to provide reasonable proof that they meet the requirements for entry in the Promotion.

How to enter

Online/Social Media: During the Promotion Period, entrants are required to log on to @porterspaints Instagram and follow the prompts to the competition details. Entrants must:

  1. Like post
  2. Tag a friend you know would also like to create a beautiful room
  3. Both follow @porterspaints @williamssonomaaus
Prize draw

A digital random prize draw will be conducted in Sydney, NSW Australia, by the Porter’s Paints Brand Manager at 11.00am on Tuesday 21st September.

The first valid entry randomly drawn from all valid entries received up to the time of the relevant draw (excluding previous winning entries) will win a prize for them and the person they tagged, as detailed below.

Prize details

10L of Porter’s Paints Eggshell Finish paint and a $1,000 digital Williams Sonoma store voucher each for the winning entrant and their tagged friend.


Winners will be notified by direct message on Instagram and the winner’s names will be published on @porterspaints Instagram within 2 business days of the applicable draw.

Prize Claim Date and Time

Prizes must be claimed within 6 months of the end of the Promotion Period.

To claim your 10L of Porter’s Paints contact enquiries@porters.com.au and we will arrange collection or have your paint couriered to you. The Williams Sonoma voucher will be emailed directly from Williams Sonoma group. Email to be requested via Instagram direct message when winning entry is notified.

Unclaimed Prize Draw

If a prize remains unclaimed or is forfeited for any reason, the Promoter may conduct a further draw or draws as the Promoter deems necessary to distribute any unclaimed prize(s), subject to any written directions under relevant Lottery and Gaming Regulations.

Entry Limits

Multiple entries are permitted.

Additional Prize Terms

If any prize (or part of any prize) is unavailable, the Promoter, in its discretion, reserves the right to substitute the prize (or that part of the prize) with a replacement prize to an equal value.

Tickets/ Vouchers
Gift Cards are subject to the terms and conditions imposed by Williams Sonoma, including period of validity. Gift cards may be used for making purchases at Pottery Barn, Pottery Barn Kids, West Elm and Williams Sonoma stores or online at www.potterybarn.com.au, www.potterybarnkids.com.au, www.westelm.com.au or www.williams-sonoma.com.au in Australia only. Gift cards cannot be used for purchases by email, phone or fax. Gift cards cannot be redeemed for cash, reloaded, returned for a refund or have its balances consolidated onto a new card. The gift cards have no expiry date. The promoter is not responsible for any lost or stolen gift cards. Refer to williams-sonoma.com.au/terms-conditions for full gift card terms and conditions.

Prizes are valued in Australian dollars. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any variation in the Prize value. Prize winners are advised that tax implications may arise from their Prize winnings and they should seek independent financial advice prior to acceptance of their Prize.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Information on how to enter the Porter’s Paints & Williams Sonoma Instagram competition and prizes form part of these Terms and Conditions. Participation in this competition is deemed acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
  2. All entrants acknowledge that the Promoter can rely on these Terms and Conditions even if the Promoter only learns of a person’s ineligibility after the Promoter has awarded a prize to the ineligible person. Return of the prize or payment of its equivalent value to the Promoter may be required by the Promoter if this occurs.
  3. Each entrant is responsible for ensuring his or her familiarity with these Terms and Conditions at the time of participation. The Promoter’s decision not to enforce a specific restriction (whether communicated to an entrant or not) does not constitute a waiver of that restriction or of these Terms and Conditions generally.
  4. Incomplete and indecipherable entries and any entry which has incorrectly entered personal information or contact details shall be deemed an invalid entry. No responsibility is accepted by the Promoter for late, lost, misdirected, ineligible or illegible/inaudible entries (including lost, stolen, forged, defaced or damaged proof of entry or things required by the Verification Requirements).
  5. The Promoter’s decision in relation to any aspect of these Term and Conditions and the Promotion is final and binding on every person who enters. No correspondence will be entered into.
  6. The Promoter may, in its sole discretion, declare any or all entries made by an entrant invalid, and/or prohibit further participation by an entrant in this Promotion or a prize event/activity if the entrant:
    1. disrupts, annoys, abuses, threatens, harasses or attempts to do any of these things to the Promoter, another entrant or potential entrant of, or anyone else associated with, this Promotion;
    2. submits an entry that is not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions or who tampers with the entry process; or
    3. engages in conduct in relation to this Promotion which is misleading, deceptive, fraudulent or damaging to the Promoter's goodwill or reputation.
  7. If this Promotion is interfered with in any way or is not capable of being conducted as reasonably anticipated due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter, the Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to the fullest extent permitted by law to modify, suspend, terminate or cancel the Porter’s Paints & Williams Sonoma Instagram competition, as appropriate.
  8. An entrant's entry must not include:
    1. any image or voice of any other person without that person's express consent. Entrants warrant that if any such content is included, they have obtained the express consent of the relevant person;
    2. any content that contravenes any law, infringes the rights of any person or is obscene, offensive, potentially defamatory, discriminatory, indecent or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate (which
      includes, without limitation, any content involving nudity, malice, excessive violence or swearing); and
    3. any literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work, any audio-visual or sound recording, or any other item in which copyright subsists, unless the entrant is entitled to do so. If an entrant has any doubts about whether they have the right to include any content (for example, recorded music) they must not include it. By including any such content in their entry, the entrant warrants that they have the permission of the relevant copyright owner to do so and that this permission allows the Promoter to use the entry in accordance with these Terms & Conditions.
  9. The Promoter may, in its absolute discretion, edit, modify, delete, remove or take-down any part of an entrant's entry.
  10. Entries must be received by the Promoter and will be deemed to have been received at the time of receipt by the Promoter. Online and other electronic entries are deemed to have been received at the time of receipt into the promotion database and not at the time of transmission by the entrant.
  11. Each entrant acknowledges that there may be inherent risks involved in entering this Promotion or taking or participating in the prize(s). Any entrant, prize winner and/or participants in a Promotion event may be required to sign an acknowledgement of risk and waiver of liability for participation in the Promotion or a Prize event and to expressly acknowledge that entry into this Promotion or participation in a Promotion event or Prize may be inherently dangerous, and that if they choose to participate they will do so at their own risk. A reasonable level of health and fitness may be required. The Promoter reserves the right to preclude participation of anyone refusing to sign the acknowledgement/waiver or any person who is suffering from asthma, epilepsy, significant back or neck problems, physical or mental disabilities, or is pregnant or in the Promoter's sole discretion is not able or suitable to participate in any of the experiences for reasons of the participant's own or anyone else's safety.
  12. Any costs associated with accessing the Promotion website are the entrant’s responsibility and are dependent on the internet service provider used. Entrants must submit their entries and/or claims manually using an internet browser.
  13. The Promoter is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, communication network, computer equipment, software, technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any web site, or any combination thereof, including any error, omission, alteration, tampering, deletion, theft, destruction, transmission interruption, communications failure or otherwise, injury or damage to entries or to participants' or any other person's computer related to or resulting from participation in or down-loading any materials in this Promotion. If the Promotion is not capable of being conducted due to circumstances beyond the Promoter's control, including due to any technical or communications problems, the Promoter reserves the right to amend, suspend or cancel the competition subject to approval from any relevant authority.
  14. Errors and omissions may be accepted at the Promoter's discretion. Failure by the Promoter to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not constitute a waiver of those rights. If there is a dispute as to the identity of an entrant, the Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to determine the identity of the entrant.
  15. As a condition of claiming a prize, the Participant may be required to (at the Promoter’s discretion) sign any legal documentation as and in the form required by the Promoter and/or prize suppliers in their absolute discretion, including but not limited to a legal release and indemnity form.
  16. The Promoter may communicate or advertise this competition using Facebook and/or Instagram or another social media platform. However, the competition is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook, Instagram or any other social media platform. Entrants are providing their information to the Promoter and not to Facebook or Instagram. Each entrant completely releases Facebook and Instagram from any and all liability in connection with this Promotion.
  17. The prize(s) and/or parts of the prize(s) is/are not transferable or exchangeable and cannot be taken as cash (unless the prize is cash). If a prize, or an element of a prize, is unavailable for any reason, the Promoter reserves the right to substitute another prize of equal or greater value for that prize, or element of it, subject to the approval of any relevant authority. The Promoter and its representatives will not be liable for any damage to or delay in transit of prizes.
  18. The use of any automated entry software or any other mechanical or electronic means that allows an entrant to automatically enter the Promotion repeatedly is prohibited and will render entries submitted using such means as invalid.
  19. Except for any liability that cannot be excluded by law, the Promoter (including its officers, employees and agents) excludes all liability (including negligence), for any personal injury; or any loss or damage (including loss of opportunity); whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, arising in any way out of the Promotion, including, but not limited to, where arising out of the following: (a) any technical difficulties or
    equipment malfunction (whether or not under the Promoter’s control); (b) any theft, unauthorised access or third party interference; (c) any entry or prize claim that is late, lost, altered, damaged or misdirected (whether or not after their receipt by the Promoter) due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter; (d) any variation in prize value to that stated in these Terms and Conditions; (e) any tax liability incurred by a winner or entrant; or (f) use of the prize.
  20. The Promoter and its associated agencies and companies will not be liable for any loss (including, without limitation, indirect, special or consequential loss or loss of profits), expense, damage, personal injury, illness or death which is suffered or sustained (whether or not arising from any person’s negligence) in connection with this competition or accepting or using any prize, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law (in which case that liability is limited to the minimum allowable by law). Nothing in these conditions restricts, excludes or modifies or purports to restrict, exclude or modify any statutory consumer rights under any applicable law including the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)
  21. Entrants irrevocably consent and assign to the Promoter all intellectual property including copyright in the images submitted by them during this competition. Entrants also irrevocably consent to the Promoter using their name, likeness, image and/or voice in the event they are a winner (including photograph, film and/or recording of the same) in any media for an unlimited period without remuneration for the purpose of promoting this competition (including any outcome), and promoting any products manufactured, distributed and/or supplied by the Promoter.
  22. The Promoter collects personal information in order to conduct the Promotion and may, for this purpose, disclose such information to third parties required for the provision of the Prize. Entry is conditional on providing this information. The Promoter may disclose the information for those purposes to its related bodies corporate and contractors. If entrants do not provide the information requested they will not be able to enter the Promotion.
  23. CAUTION: Any attempt to deliberately undermine the legitimate operation of this Promotion may be a violation of criminal and civil laws and should such an attempt be made, whether successful or not, the Promoter reserves the right to refer the matter to law enforcement authorities and/or to seek damages or such other civil remedies as the Promoter may determine from time to time to the fullest extent permitted by law.
  24. The Promoter is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). A copy of the Promoter's privacy policy can be viewed at porterspaints.com/privacy/. To request access to, or to update, personal information the Promoter holds about them, entrants can contact the office of the Promoter.




Promotion Name

Porter’s Paints and West Elm Instagram Competition


The Promoter is Porter’s Paints a division of DuluxGroup (Australia) Pty Ltd (ABN 67 000 049 427) of Cnr Bourke Road and Doody Street, Alexandria. NSW, 2015

Promotion Type

Game of chance.

Promotion Period

The Promotion will commence at 10am, Tuesday 7th September 2021 and close on 10pm on Monday 13th September 2021.

Entry Restrictions

This promotion is only open to residents of Australia –Employees (and their Immediate Families) of the Promoter, or its parent companies, subsidiaries or affiliated companies, or any agencies associated with this promotion are ineligible to enter. “Employees” means any directors, management, employees, consultants, officers and contractors or other such people who perform work under the control of another in exchange for payment. “Immediate Family(ies)” means any of the following: spouse, ex-spouse, de-facto spouse, child or step-child, parent, step-parent, grandparent, step-grandparent, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister or first cousin and the persons referred to above includes natural and non-natural relations (in the opinion of the Promoter).

The Promoter is responsible for determining whether a person is an eligible entrant in its absolute discretion. The Promoter may require entrants to provide reasonable proof that they meet the requirements for entry in the Promotion.

How to enter

Online/Social Media: During the Promotion Period, entrants are required to log on to @porterspaints Instagram and follow the prompts to the competition details. Entrants must:

  1. Like post
  2. Tag a friend you know would also like to create a beautiful room
  3. Both follow @porterspaints @westelmaus
Prize draw

A digital random prize draw will be conducted in Sydney, NSW Australia, by the Porter’s Paints Brand Manager at 10.30am on Tuesday 14th September.

The first valid entry randomly drawn from all valid entries received up to the time of the relevant draw (excluding previous winning entries) will win a prize for them and the person they tagged, as detailed below.

Prize details

10L of Porter’s Paints Eggshell Finish paint and a $1,000 digital West Elm store voucher each for the winning entrant and their tagged friend.


Winners will be notified by direct message on Instagram and the winner’s names will be published on @porterspaints Instagram within 2 business days of the applicable draw.

Prize Claim Date and Time

Prizes must be claimed within 6 months of the end of the Promotion Period.

To claim your 10L of Porter’s Paints contact enquiries@porters.com.au and we will arrange collection or have your paint couriered to you. The West Elm voucher will be emailed directly from Williams Sonoma group. Email to be requested via Instagram direct message when winning entry is notified.

Unclaimed Prize Draw

If a prize remains unclaimed or is forfeited for any reason, the Promoter may conduct a further draw or draws as the Promoter deems necessary to distribute any unclaimed prize(s), subject to any written directions under relevant Lottery and Gaming Regulations.

Entry Limits

Multiple entries are permitted.

Additional Prize Terms

If any prize (or part of any prize) is unavailable, the Promoter, in its discretion, reserves the right to substitute the prize (or that part of the prize) with a replacement prize to an equal value.

Tickets/ Vouchers
Gift Cards are subject to the terms and conditions imposed by Williams Sonoma, including period of validity. Gift cards may be used for making purchases at Pottery Barn, Pottery Barn Kids, West Elm and Williams Sonoma stores or online at www.potterybarn.com.au, www.potterybarnkids.com.au, www.westelm.com.au or www.williams-sonoma.com.au in Australia only. Gift cards cannot be used for purchases by email, phone or fax. Gift cards cannot be redeemed for cash, reloaded, returned for a refund or have its balances consolidated onto a new card. The gift cards have no expiry date. The promoter is not responsible for any lost or stolen gift cards. Refer to williams-sonoma.com.au/terms-conditions for full gift card terms and conditions.

Prizes are valued in Australian dollars. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any variation in the Prize value. Prize winners are advised that tax implications may arise from their Prize winnings and they should seek independent financial advice prior to acceptance of their Prize.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Information on how to enter the Porter’s Paints x West Elm Instagram competition and prizes form part of these Terms and Conditions. Participation in this competition is deemed acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
  2. All entrants acknowledge that the Promoter can rely on these Terms and Conditions even if the Promoter only learns of a person’s ineligibility after the Promoter has awarded a prize to the ineligible person. Return of the prize or payment of its equivalent value to the Promoter may be required by the Promoter if this occurs.
  3. Each entrant is responsible for ensuring his or her familiarity with these Terms and Conditions at the time of participation. The Promoter’s decision not to enforce a specific restriction (whether communicated to an entrant or not) does not constitute a waiver of that restriction or of these Terms and Conditions generally.
  4. Incomplete and indecipherable entries and any entry which has incorrectly entered personal information or contact details shall be deemed an invalid entry. No responsibility is accepted by the Promoter for late, lost, misdirected, ineligible or illegible/inaudible entries (including lost, stolen, forged, defaced or damaged proof of entry or things required by the Verification Requirements).
  5. The Promoter’s decision in relation to any aspect of these Term and Conditions and the Promotion is final and binding on every person who enters. No correspondence will be entered into.
  6. The Promoter may, in its sole discretion, declare any or all entries made by an entrant invalid, and/or prohibit further participation by an entrant in this Promotion or a prize event/activity if the entrant:
    1. disrupts, annoys, abuses, threatens, harasses or attempts to do any of these things to the Promoter, another entrant or potential entrant of, or anyone else associated with, this Promotion;
    2. submits an entry that is not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions or who tampers with the entry process; or
    3. engages in conduct in relation to this Promotion which is misleading, deceptive, fraudulent or damaging to the Promoter's goodwill or reputation.
  7. If this Promotion is interfered with in any way or is not capable of being conducted as reasonably anticipated due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter, the Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to the fullest extent permitted by law to modify, suspend, terminate or cancel the Porter’s Paints x West Elm Instagram competition, as appropriate.
  8. An entrant's entry must not include:
    1. any image or voice of any other person without that person's express consent. Entrants warrant that if any such content is included, they have obtained the express consent of the relevant person;
    2. any content that contravenes any law, infringes the rights of any person or is obscene, offensive, potentially defamatory, discriminatory, indecent or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate (which
      includes, without limitation, any content involving nudity, malice, excessive violence or swearing); and
    3. any literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work, any audio-visual or sound recording, or any other item in which copyright subsists, unless the entrant is entitled to do so. If an entrant has any doubts about whether they have the right to include any content (for example, recorded music) they must not include it. By including any such content in their entry, the entrant warrants that they have the permission of the relevant copyright owner to do so and that this permission allows the Promoter to use the entry in accordance with these Terms & Conditions.
  9. The Promoter may, in its absolute discretion, edit, modify, delete, remove or take-down any part of an entrant's entry.
  10. Entries must be received by the Promoter and will be deemed to have been received at the time of receipt by the Promoter. Online and other electronic entries are deemed to have been received at the time of receipt into the promotion database and not at the time of transmission by the entrant.
  11. Each entrant acknowledges that there may be inherent risks involved in entering this Promotion or taking or participating in the prize(s). Any entrant, prize winner and/or participants in a Promotion event may be required to sign an acknowledgement of risk and waiver of liability for participation in the Promotion or a Prize event and to expressly acknowledge that entry into this Promotion or participation in a Promotion event or Prize may be inherently dangerous, and that if they choose to participate they will do so at their own risk. A reasonable level of health and fitness may be required. The Promoter reserves the right to preclude participation of anyone refusing to sign the acknowledgement/waiver or any person who is suffering from asthma, epilepsy, significant back or neck problems, physical or mental disabilities, or is pregnant or in the Promoter's sole discretion is not able or suitable to participate in any of the experiences for reasons of the participant's own or anyone else's safety.
  12. Any costs associated with accessing the Promotion website are the entrant’s responsibility and are dependent on the internet service provider used. Entrants must submit their entries and/or claims manually using an internet browser.
  13. The Promoter is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, communication network, computer equipment, software, technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any web site, or any combination thereof, including any error, omission, alteration, tampering, deletion, theft, destruction, transmission interruption, communications failure or otherwise, injury or damage to entries or to participants' or any other person's computer related to or resulting from participation in or down-loading any materials in this Promotion. If the Promotion is not capable of being conducted due to circumstances beyond the Promoter's control, including due to any technical or communications problems, the Promoter reserves the right to amend, suspend or cancel the competition subject to approval from any relevant authority.
  14. Errors and omissions may be accepted at the Promoter's discretion. Failure by the Promoter to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not constitute a waiver of those rights. If there is a dispute as to the identity of an entrant, the Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to determine the identity of the entrant.
  15. As a condition of claiming a prize, the Participant may be required to (at the Promoter’s discretion) sign any legal documentation as and in the form required by the Promoter and/or prize suppliers in their absolute discretion, including but not limited to a legal release and indemnity form.
  16. The Promoter may communicate or advertise this competition using Facebook and/or Instagram or another social media platform. However, the competition is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook, Instagram or any other social media platform. Entrants are providing their information to the Promoter and not to Facebook or Instagram. Each entrant completely releases Facebook and Instagram from any and all liability in connection with this Promotion.
  17. The prize(s) and/or parts of the prize(s) is/are not transferable or exchangeable and cannot be taken as cash (unless the prize is cash). If a prize, or an element of a prize, is unavailable for any reason, the Promoter reserves the right to substitute another prize of equal or greater value for that prize, or element of it, subject to the approval of any relevant authority. The Promoter and its representatives will not be liable for any damage to or delay in transit of prizes.
  18. The use of any automated entry software or any other mechanical or electronic means that allows an entrant to automatically enter the Promotion repeatedly is prohibited and will render entries submitted using such means as invalid.
  19. Except for any liability that cannot be excluded by law, the Promoter (including its officers, employees and agents) excludes all liability (including negligence), for any personal injury; or any loss or damage (including loss of opportunity); whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, arising in any way out of the Promotion, including, but not limited to, where arising out of the following: (a) any technical difficulties or
    equipment malfunction (whether or not under the Promoter’s control); (b) any theft, unauthorised access or third party interference; (c) any entry or prize claim that is late, lost, altered, damaged or misdirected (whether or not after their receipt by the Promoter) due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter; (d) any variation in prize value to that stated in these Terms and Conditions; (e) any tax liability incurred by a winner or entrant; or (f) use of the prize.
  20. The Promoter and its associated agencies and companies will not be liable for any loss (including, without limitation, indirect, special or consequential loss or loss of profits), expense, damage, personal injury, illness or death which is suffered or sustained (whether or not arising from any person’s negligence) in connection with this competition or accepting or using any prize, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law (in which case that liability is limited to the minimum allowable by law). Nothing in these conditions restricts, excludes or modifies or purports to restrict, exclude or modify any statutory consumer rights under any applicable law including the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)
  21. Entrants irrevocably consent and assign to the Promoter all intellectual property including copyright in the images submitted by them during this competition. Entrants also irrevocably consent to the Promoter using their name, likeness, image and/or voice in the event they are a winner (including photograph, film and/or recording of the same) in any media for an unlimited period without remuneration for the purpose of promoting this competition (including any outcome), and promoting any products manufactured, distributed and/or supplied by the Promoter.
  22. The Promoter collects personal information in order to conduct the Promotion and may, for this purpose, disclose such information to third parties required for the provision of the Prize. Entry is conditional on providing this information. The Promoter may disclose the information for those purposes to its related bodies corporate and contractors. If entrants do not provide the information requested they will not be able to enter the Promotion.
  23. CAUTION: Any attempt to deliberately undermine the legitimate operation of this Promotion may be a violation of criminal and civil laws and should such an attempt be made, whether successful or not, the Promoter reserves the right to refer the matter to law enforcement authorities and/or to seek damages or such other civil remedies as the Promoter may determine from time to time to the fullest extent permitted by law.
  24. The Promoter is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). A copy of the Promoter's privacy policy can be viewed at porterspaints.com/privacy/. To request access to, or to update, personal information the Promoter holds about them, entrants can contact the office of the Promoter.